The Yak Pack
Theatre Project
Telling tales, Trekking Theatre

Our partners
The Yak Pack is so grateful to all our partners, in the UK and in Spiti, without whom this Theatre Project would not happen. Thank you!
If you are in the Bournemouth area and would like to help in a practical way, please jump aboard! Whether you'd like to lend a hand at fundraising events, or be great at hunting out raffle prizes, or maybe helping with admin, getting stuck into the creative side of things, or even project managing an event, we'd love to have your support! Please email us: yakpack@treehousetheatre.com
Want to help, but don't have time? Please do visit our DONATE page to see all the ways you can help to make the Project happen.

. We are delighted to have Christchurch Infants School as a partner in this project. As part of their Geography curriculum, the children will be learning all about Spiti, and the lives of the children who live there. We look forward to sharing lots of stories, music and fun with you over the this school year. Christchurch Infant School is an important part of our fund raising and we are so grateful to their support and enthusiasm.

. I. T. Media Services , based in Westbourne, Bournemouth, are one of our two CD sponsors – producing our audiobook ‘Jambhala’. Ray at I.T. Media Services duplicated the CD for us and printed the image onto the disk to give it a really professional finish.

. We are committed to ensuring that Spitian people and their businesses are the beneficiaries of the Yak Pack Theatre Project. As well as the performances, we will support local enterprise by staying in village homestays (one in Langza village, for example, is run by the lady pictured here), employing local guides, horsemen and drivers from Spiti, and by using businesses and services run by the Spitian community.

. We are delighted to have Christchurch Infants School as a partner in this project. As part of their Geography curriculum, the children will be learning all about Spiti, and the lives of the children who live there. We look forward to sharing lots of stories, music and fun with you over the this school year. Christchurch Infant School is an important part of our fund raising and we are so grateful to their support and enthusiasm.