At the moment, we're busy writing activity packs, both for our school supporters in the UK, and for the schools we visit in Spiti. We've really enjoyed putting together these ideas, so wanted to share some of the activities as a regular weekend post.
Today, Meditation Jars. This activity was written for UK children - everyone in Spiti grows up with meditation as a normal part of life and their Buddhist practice.

You need:
Jam jars with lids, labels removed – 1 each.
Glitter, various colours, preferably biodegradable. Check beforehand the glitter will sink in water.
What to do
Look at the glitter and think about what colours you would like, or maybe just one colour.
Put glitter into your jar – ideally a total of about a teaspoonful. Too much means it won't work as well.
Carefully fill the jar right up to the top with water.
Screw the lid on tightly.
Shake the jar – the glitter will swirl around and gradually settle on the bottom.
How to use the jar
Play some quiet gentle music if you have any.
Sit cross legged on the floor with your jar in front of you, not touching it.
Put your hands on your knees.
Take a deep breath in through your mouth and out through your nose.
Repeat 3 times.
Pick up your jar, shake it, and put it back on the floor in front of you.
Put your hands back on your knees.
Watch the glitter until every last little bit has settled on the bottom.
Some thoughts about meditation jars.
The glitter in the jar represents our thoughts and feeling and emotions. We can feel shaken up or upset by all kinds of thoughts and emotions (swirl the jar), but by being calm and still they will settle down and we can see and think clearly. There is no rush for our feelings to settle down, just as there is nothing we can do to speed it up. We don’t want to get rid of them either, we just want them to stop clouding our vision. We just watch and wait and calm will come. No amount of effort will make it happen quicker. When everything is settled we can know the wise thing to do.
You don't need to feel upset or unsettled to feel the benefit of using a meditation jar. Watching the glitter settles helps you feel calm and peaceful. It will still your mind, steady your breath, bring serenity and quiet.