Thank you so much to everyone who came to our final UK performance at Lighthouse Poole. As we were setting up, we realised it would be the only time the show would be performed in an actual theatre. And probably the last time we set up without a curious audience watching! It was a pleasure to perform in such a great space, and for another lovely audience - thank you.
The next performance is at Handimachal Day Care Centre in Kullu, India. Its a wonderful centre for special needs children. The cast of Jambhala is meeting in Kullu on 26th July to start acclimatisation (its 2000m, so we'll have 4 sleeps here before travelling higher). Although obviously not in Spiti, it would have felt wrong to not to offer Handimachal a performance when we were so close.
Over the next week or so, our challenge is to make the pile of props and costumes as small as possible....
Some pics from the show - no need to worry about spoilers now! - apologies for the poor quality, we forgot the good camera!!