It was still dark this morning when Ben headed off to the BBC Radio Solent studios Southampton. Listening to the Julian Clegg Breakfast Show, and waiting for Ben to come on air, we were all amused to hear the topic of the day was moustaches (in tribute to Burt Reynolds). Throughout our time in India, Bens magnificent moustache has been a great ice-breaker, and the subject of much serious admiration and discussion. He was clearly the right Yak Pack representative on this occasion too!
(Fast forward to 1 hour 9 mins.....)
Ben mentions that we are looking for help to produce a short documentary from the huge amount of footage Pete recorded in India. Ideally we'd like to find someone with professional documentary-making experience, and an interest in the Project. Its not a paid role, though we have a little in the kitty for expenses. If you are interested, please email
Ben also had a chat with Steve Harris on Breakfast in Dorset. Busy morning!
(Fast forward to 1 hour 24 mins.....)
Here's the 'tache in case you were wondering....