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My daughter has project outcomes at school. When they have finished a topic on, say, The Great Fire of London, we parents troop in to inspect little cardboard houses (sometimes charred) glued together in rows, beautifully illustrated poems about fire, and diaries penned by budding Samuel Peyps'. As a parent who has invested a significant amount of time, sweat and trauma into the various home-works during the topic, its lovely to see the end results presented together as a project outcome.

This newsletter is a bit like that. We wanted to bring everything together at the end, and report back to you - the people that made it a reality - sum up how the project went and what we did, how we met the aims we set out with, what people in Spiti made of it all, and some reflections on the Project.

You can download it here

The Yak Pack Theatre Project is still active, although we are home! LiMETOOLS is making a documentary about the summer, and we can't wait to share it with you all when its ready. We have been invited in to another local school to talk about the project, and link it to the Year 6 Geography and RE curriculum, which we're looking forward to.

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