Thank you to everyone who came along to The Big Swish yesterday!
We raised £292.74 for the Yak Pack Theatre Project!! And 2 Croatian kune....there’s always a foreign coin in there somehow. 85kg of clothes diverted from landfill and having a second lease of life.
We had great fun running the event and hope you all enjoyed swapping your clothes, trying your luck on the chocolate tombola, and having a chance to get out and do something a bit different.
I didn’t take a single photo during the event yesterday! If anyone else did – please share!!

Thank you also to the local companies who supported us – Southbourne Dry Cleaning, Food on the Loose, Haberdasherdo, and Ideas to Action – we look forward to being able to involve you in person at future events!

And, most of all, a heartfelt thank you to the wonderful Yak Pack dream team: Helen, Peta, Kate, Amalie and Fran.
They assembled rails, weighed the clothes, gave out tokens, hung up the clothes, bagged up your new items, manned the tombola and the mask stall, and tidied it all up again at the end!
What a wonderful job you all did, and it was such a pleasure to spend the afternoon with you all. Your efforts brought the next story-telling project to Spiti that bit closer. Thank you.
The next Big Swish will be on Saturday 27th February, so please save the date (and some clothes!) and we’ll see you again then!
If you’d like to join the Yak Pack volunteers and help out at our events, please drop us a line.